Thursday, November 3, 2011

By Faith

I have wanted to write a post for awhile but have not felt very inspired or motivated lately to do it.
 A lot is brewing in the Davis household.  First we have added 2 new members, Morgan and Jess.  These are two girls who are college age and have come to live with us.  They are both YL leaders and are neat girls.  It's fun to have them around for lots of reasons, having extra hands in the house is never a bad thing!  The other day Jess took Kate into her room, I think Kate was asking a lot of questions like "who's is this?" and so on.  It was fun to see what came out of that Jess must of told her how they share everything, Kate seemed to love this idea that they share everything and would be willing to share it with her.  Anytime they are home Kate and Lucy try their hardest to spend time with them, I am thankful for Godly young women to be a part of my daughter's lives! I look forward to life together with these girls.

Lately I feel like there have been several things that God has asked us "by faith" to do or start thinking about.  We recently started to attend Crossroads and feel like that took a lot of faith to move forward and to not be concerned about what some might think or others perceptions of Crossroads.  I can't say it enough this was tough since all I have ever known was the church we had been attending but God has been incredibly faithful and confirmed it in every way possible that this was the right decision for our family.  I think the switch has taught me that all believers are apart of the same "church" the body of Christ.  I have always had this constant weird tension that my closest family and friends who were believers that we all needed to share the same church in order to share community with them.  I'm finding out that it's nice if it works out that way but the bigger thing is that we share Christ and we are willing to spur one another on to love and good deeds.  We love where God has placed us right now, we are growing and changing daily and look forward to being challenged even more.

Well the other "by faith" things that are on the table, homeschooling and adoption.  Homeschooling is something since my kids were school age people have asked will you home school and I always gave a very quick "no way".  I grew up in a family that home schooled, I was only home schooled for 1 1/2 years because my mom and I were at each others throats most days.  Now why would I want to go through that same misery I always thought.  But now that I am a little older I can see how incredible my brothers relationships are with each other and the positive benefits it can have on a family.  My kids are in a wonderful school that we are more than pleased with so it's difficult to even picture them not attending there in the future.  This is something we are going to the Lord in prayer about and asking for that direction and strength if this should be where He is directing our family.

Adoption is subject you might hear about often if you are around our family.  We often talk about it, we love the picture of God adopting us as his children knowing how incredibly unlovable we are.  The thought and picture is so moving to me I sit here now with chills, every time my heart dwells on this subject my heart stirs and I feel like I could cry.  As I spend time in the word I can't help but see God's heart through Old and New testament for orphans and widows and try to picture what does this look like to have a heart for these people.  We know that we want to adopt it's all the details that can be so difficult sometimes.  This is sometime that we will continue to work through as a family and with the Lord.  On a side note we asked the kids last night what they thought of adopting and what that would mean for them since they would have to help out more.  Jack's response was great he said "it's not a big deal I've done this 3 times before what's a fourth".  I love my kids excitement over the subject of adding to our family, I look at that as a gift from God.

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