Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well this week I feel like we have hit some milestones in our family.  We have had a wonderful little stomach bug run through our whole family minus S.  It started with L on last Saturday night and ended with Ben last night.  We are looking forward to hopefully a sick free week coming up! 

S this past week had his 6 month well visit, he is in the 45th percentile for height and head and 20th for weight.  He is healthy and well he got 4 shots and the last dose of the Roda virus drops which he hates.  S has been scooting and half crawling this week, he likes to get on his hands and knees and rock forward.  He has managed to get where he wants to go in our living room.  He is quite cute because he looks far to small to be doing it.  We also tried food for the first time this week.  We started with Rice cereal, then banana and then banana with rice cereal which none of them went well.  He makes the worse little faces as you try to feed him this foreign stuff.  Of course this is to be expected with S he won't drink formula either, what a little food snob :) .  This morning I gave him a bath and anyone who knows me well knows that S doesn't get a bath as often as he probably should.  In the bath this morning I thought to myself is it bad that his last bath had been so long ago that  he has reached several new developmental milestones since.  Usually I would bathe him laying down supported by my hand, this time he sat up with support and got the concept of splashing which he loved.  S and his sweet spirit really helps me enjoy motherhood when it feels tough.

L had her 1st first session with her OT this week, she is working with her on sensory issues.  L really seemed to like the time they play games together, she does a good job of having fun with L.  L has also had a speech therapist come to the house for the last 6 months and that has really showed great improvement in her speech.  This week she has been so wonderful when we ask her to do almost anything she says OK mom and does it.  It's so exciting to hear her speak and have her communicate what she is thinking.  I am so proud of L, she really works very hard! 

We are so excited about the coming week we are having a stay cation.  From Wed to Sun we have nothing planned but Thanksgiving.  Our family desperately needed a slow down in our schedule it will be great to have some family time!


Unknown said...

This is so fun!! It is so reminincent to see you live my life (at least parts of it). I love the filming, the messiness in the backround but the attention paid to what is important.
I love you all, what a great job you are doing.

Inspired by His Love said...

Thanks Mom!

because HE first loved us said...

Joel and I are cracking up at the food video!!! Love those faces, but mostly cause we adore Sam (and all your kids, or course!)