Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby Love crashed in

Each Christmas I am starting to grasp more of the incredible reason we are excited about Christ's birth.  There were a few things that were impactful this year.  Christmas eve morning we went to the Crossroads Christmas performance with both sides of the family, wow it was good!  They spoke very Clearly about why Christ had to come to the earth.  During the show they used so many beautiful types of art to display the Christmas story.  It was all very powerful and moving.  I encourage you to go to their site and download for free any of their music written by them, my favorite is "Love Crashed In", .  This will be something I do every year!  I left incredibly encouraged.  We then went and got Indian with all our family, that was just plain fun to be with most everyone and truly enjoy everybody's company.  We then continued on to Williamstown and Dry Ridge to deliver gifts for Angel Tree to 2 families.  One of the families I was given an opportunity to pray with the grandmother who was caring for her grandchildren, it was moving because I didn't expect God to use me at this house I thought for sure I would be better used at the next house.  It was powerful to speak God's truth to her.  We then had a nice dinner at home (by candlelight) together, played a game and watched The Nativity,  It was so sweet to see Christ's birth come alive, I really enjoyed watching this movie! 

So this was our Christmas eve,  I can only share what Christ has done in my own life and how he has moved my heart toward him.  I come away with a thankful heart for Christ choosing to come to this earth only to die for our sins.  Jesus coming as a baby to this earth reaffirms that God's ways are different often then the way we would of planned them.  Thank you Lord that your ways are greater than ours!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Good to "catch up" with you Maria!