Saturday, December 18, 2010

Babies in Bed

I love after the morning feeding and the happy mood that a baby can be in it's so sweet.  S was in bed with us this morning crawling all over us, blowing raspberries, chewing on Ben's ear.  I want to not forget the moments that make me smile.  I am mostly OK with my babies getting older but I will miss these kind of moments.  S's sweet spirit makes me smile even more.  In the last five minutes I rescued S from behind our Christmas tree, he likes to terrorize it.  A few minutes later he was scooting around with a Nerf dart hanging out of his mouth and did not want to let it go.  Now he is making laps around the middle part of our house.  We'll back to being a mom!

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Bless you...yes, they grow so fast. Enjoy your gifts and time with your babies!

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted