Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grafted in

It's bedtime in our household, and I'm not fully sure why I picked now to write other than I think I thrive off the craziness sometimes.  Sam is now the only one sick, runny nose and cough, poor guy.  Kate has healed nicely we only have one more appointment to go to!  The talk in our household lately has been pretty fun.  We have been talking about adoption, working through the who, when and special needs or not.  WOW this can be overwhelming!  Today the girls were playing and Kate brought a suitcase downstairs, I asked where she was going she said "To Africa to adopt a baby".  That brought me a smile.

Last weekend I attended the Created to Care conference in Georgia, for adoptive moms.  It was a really great weekend, packed full of information.  I was really glad to hear all about adoption before we take a step forward.  While we were there I could feel God's presence and clear blessing on the weekend.  Every woman that spoke seemed to have a heart for the Lord that was so evident.  I had a opportunity to pray for my mom that really touched me deeply.  On saturday day we had a date with God, during that time I feel like the Lord had me reflect on Romans 11:17-24 about God grafting us wild olive branches into his cultivated olive tree.  I was moved at how God has adopted us to be his children, and how we can show a child that same thing in our family in hopes that they will know the Lord.  During our time with God we had a chance to paint something that represents God's love and all I could think was the olive tree, to me it's such a beautiful picture of his love for us.  So with all that being said when I got home I had a spiritual battle to fight!  Monday might of been one of the worst days I've ever experienced as a parent.  I was mean and nasty to my children, by the end of the day I had convinced myself that  we were not adopting because I was not a fit parent, wow do I now see the lies spoon fed to me all day.  I then went on to have a incredible week that was filled with reading and prayer like I haven't done in awhile.  Thank you Lord for not letting me succumb to Satan's lies.

We are looking forward to what God has for us, so for today I will love the children in front of me and pray for the ones that might come our way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like you are Kerry had a great time. Makes me think next year I should join you :)