Monday, February 14, 2011

Good old Monday

Today I took Lucy to a gymnastics open gym we like to go with Lyla and my mom.  It's so cute to watch the girls run around.  So far Lucy's favorite is the rings, she loves to run and swing on them.  Her and Lyla like each other but they don't really play together yet, I have great hope that one day the friendship will blossom.

Sam loves crawling around.

After that we went to visit Ruth a very dear friend of the family.  She is 99 and has never married.  Long ago she took David and I to Bible school in the summer and I thought she was old then, I was probably 10.  She lived down the street from our house I grew up in and we would make visits every so often.  She has always stood out to me because of her love for the Lord.  In the last 2 years her mind is not nearly as sharp as it was.  She now repeats herself often and does not remember your answers, it's hard to watch someone get old when they seem confused.  It's pretty amazing she lives on her own, she has a friend check in on her often.  I am so glad that my children have a had a chance to get to know her also.  Thank you Lord for a beautiful example of someone who spent their life serving you.

Today I figured out through the help of my parents and Google that I am allergic to sulfa drugs, who knew.  My body is screaming at me.  I have achy legs and lots of joint pain in them.  I also have a pretty rash on my arms and legs.  Please get out of my system!  I read about others of course by googling it and I am lucky my symptoms aren't that bad in comparison, I have to remember that when I want to complain which is every few seconds :).

On a good note Ben brought me a bouquet of white hydrangea ( I really hate red roses) and a smiley face cookie from Servati bakery my favorite.  Oh yeah I get to watch a movie with Ben tonight that is if Benadryl doesn't knock me out first.  Thanks hunny for loving me!


Pocket said...

I used to think Sam was your one, honest-to-goodness, Gautraud-looking baby, but in that pic he TOTALLY looks like Ben! Then again, who am I kidding? They all have that Gautraud mischief behind their eyes! I also can't decide who's having more fun - your mom or your little girl! Your kids are adorable, Maria! It's been great being able to peek in on your family through your blog!

because HE first loved us said...

Today was so fun! Thanks for coming, even though you had a rash going on ;)
I just noticed me and Lyla in the back of that pic of your mom and Lucy ...haha check it out!

Anonymous said...

sam looks just like ben in that picture! he is so precious, like the rest of your family :)