Thursday, August 30, 2012

All kinds of Crazy

I have wanted to sit and write for the last week and a half!  I have experienced all kinds of crazy lately.
Crazy Awesome!
Crazy unbelievable.
Crazy discouraging :(
Crazy encouraging.
Crazy gratifying.
Crazy busy.
Many moments lately I can't imagine how I might be able to handle anymore crazy, and then I am reminded of the Lord and His sustaining power, so refreshing!
Last week we started home schooling, part of me still can't believe that just came out of my mouth!  If you know me I said I would never do that.  Little did I know the plan my heavenly father had for my family.  Schooling at home, Crazy right?  It's so awesome, the first week was great!  I would be so, so sad had I not chosen to do this with my kids.  It's nice to have day after day with purpose.  My relationship with my children has grown deeper and richer.  I ended the week, tired but feeling really grateful.
Week two, well this has been a little different, still really great but more teary moments from all parties involved.  This week does have some added stresses of trying to gather stuff for a garage sale Saturday and having more things on my too do list than I can count.  But this is where some of my crazy unbelievable comes from.  Can I just say that the Lord is so good, not because He cares for my every need but because He cares about details.  I want to share so I don't forget the ways I see the Lord's hand.
So as we move forward with adoption and fundraising to bring Davis#5 home it involves a lot, but that's OK.
We put out a request to all our friends, family, and they put a request out to their friends and family for garage sale donations and boy did they start rolling in! Crazy encouraging!  People started to donate large items and expensive items, I was shocked, some of these people don't even know us or our story.  But the Lord knows us and cares about the story we are a part of.  We started Craigslisting and praying that the Lord would bring people forward to buy and help fund this crazy adventure He has us on...It's happening...things are selling!
Along with all those Crazy good type moments we've also been experiencing the Crazy discouraging.  I had someone challenge us in not a very loving way of our choice of international adoption over domestic adoption.  That's a very personal choice and we have very clear reasons for us why Ethiopia, and love adoption from anywhere, they are all God's children, right?? 
 This week I have felt every ounce of stress that you might feel in the middle of being a new homeschool mom, fundraising and paper work that NEEDS to get done!  I feel like I have lost my cool with the kids more than once, I hate when my emotions aren't in check.  I'm so thankful that tomorrow is a new day! 
Today I was on the phone making the long needed doctor's appointment for myself, I get off and find Sam filling a cup at the fridge.  Most kids would stop when the water starts flowing over the cup, no not Sam!  He just kept filling the cup up, it was pouring out of the fridge!  There was water all over the kitchen floor it made it about a foot into my living room and pantry, I wipe it up and move on.  Five minutes later the kids let me know that water is pouring out of the ceiling in the basement, ugh SAM!  I guess I was on the phone longer than I thought because the water ran out of the ceiling for 20ish minutes slowing as time went on.  Before this happened I was already feeling like I had hit my breaking point for the day.  Do you ever turn circles trying to accomplish just one task?  That was me, dinner was started, in the middle of listing Craigslist stuff,  trying to read the last two chapters of a book that needed to be done tonight and then Sam happened.  What do you do?  How do you respond to the crazy discouraging?  Today wasn't my finest but I do know that it involves trusting the Lord's plan and that He has it totally under control, even when I don't. 
Thirty minutes after this water episode happens I walk to my neighbors to wash some veggies, we turned off our water just as a precaution in case a pipe busted.  On the way there another neighbor stops me, mind you they don't know were adopting yet or that we're having a garage sale, she asks if I would like a kid item she has brand new in the box $300 dollar value.  Ummm Yes, I was then able to share about the adoption and how we can sell it to raise adoption money, sweet!  I'm telling you this stuff has happened all week, something crazy discouraging happens and then it's outweighed by something that is way better!  So even though my neighbor had no idea of our need for stuff donated the Lord did!  He cares about the details.

The Lord is Good!

Picture update...

Sam and I each created a potato head version of ourselves.  Glasses were his thing :)

1 comment:

shell said...

What a great post! I love hearing all that God is doing. We had multiple leaks while working towards Ben and Joe-crazy what distractions come our way! I remembering telling myself over and over "Satan, you cannot steal my joy!!" Oh how he could care less about kids who need families. Can't wait to hear how the garage sale goes! Love ya!