Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As of late in the Davis home, life has been full of lots of life decisions mixed with just everyday responsibilities.  We are doing our best to stay on top of the game.

Sam is full of so many words at just 21 months.  I have not come across a word he does not repeat.  Sam loves to push chairs around our kitchen and climb on everything.  I have considered finding a way to bungee the chairs to the table.  As I was getting ready yesterday morning Sam was silent and I know that is never good.  I yelled for him and up the stairs he came with a brownie he had gotten off the counter.  I can see traits in him that are great and if not used right to his determent.  Sam gets his eye and mind on something and he is not easily distracted and will not forget what he wants.  He had been asking for that brownie since the day before.  Sam has been saying "yes mom" a lot and seems to have a very soft and sensitive heart.  We have had to discipline more as of late but it's been really good to see him respond.  Sam warms all of our hearts and makes us all smile.

Lucy loves t.v. if I let her she would happily watch it all day long.  Lucy is a lot like Jack and loves the world of technology.  She often finishes a show than will ask to do play computer and than Ipad and than our iphones.  It's really hard not to fall into the trap of letting her be in front of something often.  I have enjoyed my days home with Lucy, she is really growing up.  Lucy will be four in April and can't seem to understand why we can't go to the beach on her birthday since we did last year and will remind us of it weekly.  Lucy really love little pet shops, it's fun to see her get into a imaginative state and really engage in that world.  Something that I am learning about her is that she moves very slow and in this world that is not something that is valued.  I often find myself trying to change that in her but it seems to be the way God wove her together.  I look forward to understanding that better as she grows up.  Lucy brings lots of smiles to our faces with all her very cute lines.  When I tell her to stop doing something she often tells me "I just can't get it out of my mind".  Lucy as of recent has learned how to do a puppy dog face to ask for things, boy does it make me want to give in.

Well I set out to write a bit today just about life in general but Sam is climbing all over me and taking full advantage of my attention being hope is that I will get more tomorrow!

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