Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All the small things

It's been too long I am sad that I have missed writing down all the fun things that my kids say or do.  Sometimes I get so discouraged by the fact that I haven't done it that I continue to tell myself what's the point of doing it now.  So I am going to just give you the few memories on my mind.

This morning when I woke Kate up for school she made me smile, she sat up matter a fact put her feet on the floor and slide on her bunny slippers for the 30 second walk to my bedroom.  When I stopped to notice she clearly had this planned since last night, they were placed oh so neatly by her bed ready for her in the morning.

Lucy likes to dress up and put on her lip gloss often.  As she is doing this she walks around saying that she is going to the "ball", well the only kind of ball Lucy knows of is a soccer ball, she will say mom I am going to the soccer ball.  I think it's so cute that she doesn't get the difference between the two.

Sam has started to raise his hands in the air when we say "so big", I absolutely love this stage!  He is also babbling a lot we'e trying hard for that mama or Dada :)

Jack has really made us proud lately.  He often can be so stubborn and argumentative but this last little bit  his spirit has been softer.  I can see his love for his siblings.  Jack so desperately wants us to give him time and love and he definitely responds to it when we stop to take time for him.
 On another note Jack has been reading like crazy, about 3 weeks ago we stopped watching TV during the week, this has been the best decision for our family!  Jack has been reading so much more, he is reading 1-2, 100-200 page books a week.  It's neat to see how that turns into creativity in our home.

Hope to be back with all the small things a whole lot sooner! 


Cory said...

All of these things are really sweet!

Sally said...

Lucy sounds like Birdy was at her age--she still is this way.
And Birdy does like to wear lipgloss to the get the ball--when she goes to soccer practice! I wonder where she get's that????