Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It has been awhile.  Life has had it's ups and downs this last week.  Ben and I had several things that we weren't seeing eye to eye on and Sunday got a chance to talk on the way to church a 40 minute drive, we went to his parents church.  The kids actually played the whole car trip without interrupting us!  God is so good to give us that time we really needed.  It was good to stop and listen to each other and our concerns and desires for our family and relationship.  Sunday was refreshing to worship a perfect God and know that Ben and I were not at odds with one another.  We often tell the couples that we counsel to that the purpose of marriage is not to make you happy but holy.  This can be so painful sometimes often i look to Ben to make me happy and it often turns up empty not because he isn't a great husband but because that is not his job.  After we go through a difficult time in our relationship I am full of Joy knowing that God's purpose for the pain was holiness.


Jen said...

amen sister! my ben & i have been doing the same thing. it's weird to go through spells where you just feel like you aren't on the same page about things and you're just "off". i'm glad God provided a perfect time for you all to be together, communicate & worship!

it's fun to know you're not the only ones!

running shoes said...

Hey Maria!! Thank you for sharing this and being so willing to share what God's been teaching you.
You are a blessing.